Prayer of the Day for Mar 18th, 2024

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Heavenly Father,

We come to you today wrestling with the concept of loving our enemies. The idea feels completely unnatural, a command that goes against our human instincts and sense of justice. We want to hold grudges, seek revenge, and see those who hurt us experience the same kind of pain.

But You, Lord, call us to a radically different kind of love—a sacrificial love that mirrors Your own. You showed us grace while we were still sinners, pouring out forgiveness when we deserved nothing but condemnation.

Forgive us for the bitterness we've allowed to take root in our hearts. We confess the times we've harbored resentment, spoken hateful words behind closed doors, or secretly wished terrible things upon those who have caused us pain. Break the chains of unforgiveness that bind us, Father, and soften our hardened hearts.

We recognize that those we consider enemies are often deeply wounded themselves, acting out of their own pain and brokenness. Their actions may be completely wrong, but help us to see their humanity and acknowledge that they, too, are Your children, though lost and in need of Your saving grace.

We know extending love to our enemies doesn't mean excusing their behavior, tolerating abuse, or pretending that things didn't happen. You call us to protect ourselves and stand up for justice, but you also call us to release the desire for revenge into Your capable hands.

Help us to pray for those who persecute us. This seems like an impossible task, yet we know that with Your power, anything is possible. We pray that you would break into their lives, soften their hearts, and reveal your love to them in a way they cannot deny. Let your light break into even the darkest of places.

Lord, we don't pretend to have all the answers for complex conflicts and deep-seated hatred. We pray for a supernatural outpouring of your love into the world, breaking down barriers between people, bringing healing, and dismantling cycles of violence.

Start with us, dear Father. Change our hearts. Fill us to overflowing with your compassion and mercy. Help us to see difficult people through Your eyes and respond to them with your grace. May we truly become agents of reconciliation, reflecting the impossible love of our Savior.


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