Prayer of the Day for Mar 17th, 2024

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Dear Father,

There are mornings when we wake up with a strange heaviness. The day stretches out before us, seeming full of insurmountable obstacles and unknowns. Fear creeps in, whispering that we're not enough, not prepared, not capable of facing what lies ahead. Discouragement sets in, a tempting voice telling us it's easier to give up before we even try.

These feelings, Lord, are all too familiar, eroding our confidence and making us shrink back from the calling you've placed in our hearts. We doubt ourselves, we doubt Your plan, and we find ourselves paralyzed by a sense of inadequacy.

Father, we want to be strong and courageous, but often, we just feel small and afraid. This world can feel intimidating; challenges loom large and past failures echo in the back of our minds. It's tempting to play it safe, to stay confined within our comfort zones, to avoid any risk that could lead to disappointment.

Forgive us for forgetting Your power, for underestimating the strength You can provide. We focus on our weaknesses, forgetting that all things are possible in You.

We need a fresh reminder, a powerful infusion of Your courage. Let Your Spirit ignite a fire within us that burns away every ounce of fear. When doubts and insecurities threaten to overtake us, help us recall the mighty works you have done throughout history, the giants you have defeated, the seas you have parted. Let those stories of your faithfulness fuel our belief that we can face anything with you by our side.

Help us not only find courage, Lord, but also act upon it. Please give us the boldness to step into those places that make us uncomfortable, the tenacity to keep going when obstacles appear, and the determination to persevere even when we don't immediately see results.

We long to be like Joshua, obedient to your call and refusing to turn back in the face of the unknown. Grant us a steadfast spirit that doesn't run from challenges but sees them as opportunities to show the world what you can do through yielded vessels.

Remind us, each step of the way, that You are with us. May the knowledge of Your presence banish all our fears. Let your love fuel our courage and your power be made perfect in our weakness. We trust you, Father, to guide our path and to be our strength.


Verse of the Day

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Prayer of the Day

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Verse of the Day

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Daily Angel Message

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Prayer of the Day

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