Prayer of the Day for Mar 19th, 2024

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Dear Lord,

In a world that so often feels harsh and unforgiving, we long to create spaces where kindness and compassion reign. We desire to be like You, a constant source of grace and forgiveness to others. Yet, the reality is that even our best intentions sometimes fall short.

It's easy to extend kindness to those who are easy to love. But when we feel wronged, hurt, or misunderstood, our natural response is to withdraw and protect ourselves. Bitterness, resentment, and an unwillingness to forgive can creep in, poisoning our relationships and our own hearts.

Forgive us, Lord, for holding grudges, rehashing past offenses, and letting anger consume us. Forgive us for the times we've put self-righteousness ahead of empathy. We confess our tendency to focus on what we deserve rather than extending the same grace we've been freely given.

Help us remember that true forgiveness isn't about condoning harmful behavior or forgetting it ever happened. It's about choosing to release bitterness's hold on us, trusting that You are the ultimate judge and that your justice will prevail.

We realize that forgiveness is often a process, a choice we have to make repeatedly, especially when the hurt runs deep. When painful memories resurface, and anger flares up again, give us the strength to surrender those feelings to You over and over again.

Help us forgive others and cultivate a compassionate heart. Open our eyes to see the wounds beneath the surface of a harsh word or unkind action. Instead of reacting defensively, give us the wisdom to ask, "What is this person struggling with? How can I be an instrument of Your healing in their life?"

Sometimes, Lord, extending kindness means having difficult conversations, drawing healthy boundaries, or seeking outside help to address harmful patterns. Guide our steps as we strive to honor You in our relationships, even when it feels messy and complicated.

Let us see each interaction as an opportunity to reflect on the extravagant forgiveness You've shown us through Christ. May we offer grace generously, remembering the debt we've been forgiven ourselves. Help us become known as people who mend rather than break, build bridges instead of walls, and lead with love in all we do.


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