Message from Archangel Zadkiel for Mar 21st, 2024

I'm feeling a gentler energy today – the kind that makes you want to slow down and take a good look inside yourself. Think of it as a day for some serious emotional spring cleaning! Picture me, Archangel Zadkiel – the angel of all things forgiveness and transformation – right beside you with a metaphorical box of tissues and maybe a cup of tea to help you process things.

Message From Archangel Zadkiel

Hey there, so today's all about finding space to really check in with your emotions. Don't be afraid of the messy stuff – sometimes, the deepest wisdom hides there, waiting to be found. Think of your emotions like a room in your house that you've kept closed up for a long time. Opening the door might be cluttered, dusty, and even a little scary. But guess what? That room also holds treasures you might have forgotten about – old photographs that spark joy, funny trinkets that bring back happy memories, or even forgotten talents you used to love. By opening the door and sifting through those emotions, even the uncomfortable ones, you might rediscover a part of yourself that you thought was lost.

The Healing Power of Reflection

Something from your past, maybe a memory you've pushed down, might bubble up today. Instead of automatically shoving it away again, be brave. Sit with it, let yourself feel the emotions attached to it, and see what you might learn. I know it's uncomfortable, but this can seriously help those old wounds start to heal.

The Light of Understanding

As you explore those deeper feelings, you might have an "aha" moment about something you've believed forever. It could even shake things up a bit. Don't worry, that's a good thing! It means you're letting go of old ways of thinking that weren't serving you anymore. Embrace the new perspective, even if it initially feels a little weird.

Embracing Your Intuitive Voice

Today's about trusting your gut feelings – those little nudges that seem to come from nowhere but actually hold so much wisdom. Please pay attention to them! Let your heart guide some of your decisions today, not just your logical brain. You know deep down what the right path is, even if your mind is having doubts.

Remember, I'm right here with you! Today's about facing the tender, maybe even scary parts of yourself, letting go of what's weighing you down, and trusting your intuition to lead you forward. It's big work but leads to a lighter, more authentic way of living.

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